CentOS 5.5 x86 64 (Minimal) Hypervisor Edition

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Scripts used to test RPMs, create repo, and build ISO

[root@buildhost-64 tmp]# cat testrun.sh 
if [ "$TESTDIR" == "" ] ; then
  echo "You should provide the name of test directory containing RPMS. Please specify full path."
  exit 1
rpm --initdb --dbpath ${RPMTEST} 
rpm --test --dbpath ${RPMTEST} --root ${RPMTEST} -ivh ${TESTDIR}/*.rpm

[root@buildhost-64 tmp]# cat creaerepo.sh 
if [ "${BUILDDIR}" == "" ]; then
  echo "Build Directory cannot be empty. Please specify full path."
  exit 1


## cd ${BUILDDIR}/
export DISCINFO=$(head -1 ${BUILDDIR}/.discinfo)

echo "Doing: rm -f /${BUILDDIR}/repodata/*"
rm -f ${BUILDDIR}/repodata/* 

echo "Doing: cp -v ${COMPSFILE} ${BUILDDIR}/repodata/comps.xml"
cp -v ${COMPSFILE} ${BUILDDIR}/repodata/comps.xml 
echo "Doing: createrepo -u "media://${DISCINFO}" -g ${BUILDDIR}/repodata/comps.xml ${BUILDDIR}/"
## echo "Doing: createrepo -u "media://${DISCINFO}" -g repodata/comps.xml ${BUILDDIR}/"
createrepo  -u "media://${DISCINFO}" -g ${BUILDDIR}/repodata/comps.xml ${BUILDDIR}/
## createrepo  -u "media://${DISCINFO}" -g repodata/comps.xml ${BUILDDIR}/
## cd -
[root@buildhost-64 tmp]# cat buildiso.sh 
if [ "${BUILDDIR}" == "" ]; then
  echo "Build Directory cannot be empty. Please specify full path."
  exit 1

# Remove the non-english RELEASE-NOTES. 
rm -f ${BUILDDIR}/RELEASE-NOTES-[a-d,f-z]*

# Remove NOTES directory, which contains RELEASE-NOTES in plathora of different languages.

# Remove the target ISO file, if it already exists.

# Create the README file in the CD root:
# README  : Contains summary about this CD
# Author  : Muhammad Kamran Azeem (kamran@wbitt.com)
# Created : 20110103
# Revision: 20110103
# Summary : This CD is CENTOS 5.5 x86_64 (64 bit), rebuilt by WBITT team, as Hypervisor Edition.
1) This is a bootable CD. (Of-course ;)
2) The CD contains four groups only: 
* core [Not visible in installer.]
* base
* xen (Named/shown as group: Virtualization)
* kvm (Named/shown as group: KVM)

3) These groups can be used in your kickstart files.
4) The groups are designed in such a way, that if you do not select any group (uncheck all of them at the time of installation), 
you will get a minimal installation, containing yum and wget. In minimal install you won't get any protection. 
5) SELINUX and IPTABLES are not installed in the minimal (@core) installation.
all other packages if needed must be copied, or installed from the CD directly.
Or whatever way you prefer, including, but not limiting to using YUM.
6) The base contains xterm. If you select that, xterm and its (minimal) necessary X packages will also get installed automatically. (Vesa drivers)
7) If you decide to use kickstart, then please note, that the software in this CD is (should be) compatible with your current kickstarts.
8) The complete CD can be copied to an NFS/HTTP/FTP server, and can in-turn be used for network based installations, of the same.
9) The CD has both KVM and XEN hypervisors. Includes kernel-xen. 
10) If you select the category "Virtualization" at the install time, and do not check "customize software selection", XEN will be installed.

End of README file.

# Create a sample kickstart file in the CD root:
cat > ${BUILDDIR}/sample-kickstart.ks << EOFKS
# Author : Muhammad Kamran Azeem (kamran@wbitt.com)
# Created: 2011-01-03
# Revised: 2011-01-03
# Summary: A minimalistic kickstart file by WBITT Team
# Note   : USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adjust as per your requirements.
# url --url
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --hostname centos-55-64-hypervisor --noipv6
# The password below is actually redhat
rootpw --iscrypted $1$Q6duWtpC$OcyfP8NCdH1EZBxHmM/tL0
firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp
authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5
selinux --enabled
timezone Asia/Riyadh
# I prefer you create at least a 2 GB disk for the minimal install.
# Adjust the following three lines as needed.
# zerombr
# bootloader --location=mbr  --append=""
# clearpart --all --initlabel
# part / --fstype=ext3 --size=200 --grow
# part swap --fstype=swap --size=256

# The options for groups are: core, base, xen, kvm

# chkconfig --level 35 sendmail off
# chkconfig --level 35 cups off

# Finally, create the ISO.
mkisofs -r -R -J -T -v  \
   -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
   -V "CentOS-5.5-Hypervisor 64-bit" -p "KamranAzeem (kamran@wbitt.com)"  -A "CentOS-5.5-Hypervisor-Edition 64 bit-2011/01/03" \
   -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat  -x "lost+found" \

[root@buildhost-64 tmp]#

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